Tactical Storytelling • Award-Winning Journalistic Excellence • Virtual and In-person Masterclass

What sets us apart is our award-winning commitment to the journalistic principles of storytelling

Here are some of our Success Stories:

1. Storytelling masterclass for a global insights team

Almost 100 individuals in Europe, Asia and the Americas took part in specially-tailored masterclasses, in which we used their real-work examples to bring to life our journalistic method of translating data into stories.


2. Thought leadership to build credibility of a biotech start-up

Five leaders within the Silicon Valley company, all with different specialisms, became thought leaders through an 18-month editorial programme with material published on social media, the company website and specialist medical platforms.


3. Frameworks and templates for internal communications

One of Britain’s major supermarket chains has more data than it knows what to do with. Our templates now mean that departments communicate in a uniform, storified way, so that decision-makers know what to do.


4. Re-energising competitive insights analysis

We’re helping a pharma company use storytelling to make huge amounts of data more meaningful to leaders, so they can make faster decisions to help the company gain an extra edge over rivals.


5. Personalised storytelling mentorship

We’re the 24/7 storytelling ‘Professor’ for our global FMCG client. Teams book an editorial session in which we view their work-in-progress through a storytelling lens, ensuring their work is tighter, more relevant and captivating.


6. Content strategy, sales materials, purpose statement

We have been storytelling consultants for one of the world’s leading infrastructure companies, creating marketing materials to engage and influence media, corporate partners and increase internal collaboration.


7. Building personal narratives of FTSE-350 leaders

We currently have a roster of business leaders with whom we co-create thought leadership, comment articles and speeches for internal and external audiences, including global media.


8. Shaping the pre-IPO narrative of a global payments company

One of the world’s most recognised companies needed a story that showed not just where it had come from but how it would lead the industry. By conducting multiple interviews with key leaders, we built a convincing corporate narrative.